What is your best pick up line?

Not looking for the pick up line for when you hit the club, but when you first talk to a prospect.

How do you start the conversation and what is that one line opener that gets them to bite on the bait?

Pick up line or ice breaker?

pick up line

"Hi (persons name),

This is Tim, I only have a minute.

(one sentence detailing what you know about them)

Does it make sense for us to schedule more time to talk?

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I like that one, @tim.stanton

Early on, I sometimes say “If I did my research right, then…” and I’ll get pretty specific to show I understand their pain points.

If my prospecting has produced something especially unique and interesting about them as a person, I may start there as a way of making it more informal (but I only go this route if it’s something I think will be a surefire conversation starter, or something I personally relate to and can riff on.)

People tend to want to know right away what it is you can do for them. Not “I know this about you, let’s smalltalk for a bit.”

Gotta cut to the chase, and if there’s room, show what you know about them as a person later. Or down the road, if you can get that far.

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I have found that giving a compliment always helps to Break the ice - for example compliment them about the run they just completed or the new product they launched or the new logo they adopted or their company values and then tie it back to your ask - we can augment your product , we can solve that problem faster , we can scale you pan geography, etc.

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The compliment suggestion is great. Especially around a recent achievement. Gets them talking about themselves and opens the door for you to jump in around what you have in common.

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I usually start with “it seems like…” followed by some information I learned through prospecting. I’ve also found that comments tying their accomplishments to the solution also helps.

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More often than note, I’m starting off with something rooted in what I think their strategic priority is based on a number of factors (competitors, market trends, etc.) and I ask them to chime in on that theory. I find if we start there, it’s easier to suggest solutions I can offer. If I go too personal, it can be a more jarring transition to go into the business side of things. That can make it awkward.

“I’m calling following (EXECUTIVE) earnings call comments about (RELEVANT STRATEGIC INITIATIVE), do you have a minute to chat about how we’re helping (COMPETITORS) drive success in the area?”. Rather generalized but you get the idea, I want to show that I’ve done my research and we work with their competition to help achieve similar initiatives.


Questions. I always start with a question. Even as simple as “how are you?”. Show empathy by being concerned about them. It may teach you more about yourself.

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