Holiday Outreach/touch point Idea


Hope y’all are having a fantastic Holiday season!

In the interest of staying in front of your customers/prospects as well as build a personal connection, try this tactic…

Send them a brief e-mail with a link to either your favorite dessert. Example below:

Subject line: Happy Thanksgiving

Hello {name],

As we head into the Thanksgiving Break, I thought you might be interested in one of my favorite holiday desserts… Iron Skillet Cobbler. Served warm with vanilla ice cream…delicious! I use the Traeger, but a standard oven will work just as well.


I have done this for a long time and have received responses from execs who I do not regularly engage with. There is something about showing your personal side during the holidays that helps open people up.

For those of you who try it out this week, I’d love to hear any success you are seeing.

Desserts or Appetizers are good ideas.

Happy Holidays!

This is a great idea, thanks for sharing it.


I love the Thanksgiving recipe touchpoint @greg.nishihira.

I think from now until the holiday weekend is a great time to get in touch with people (likely in a good mood) and try and schedule meetings for early January.

Most people are likely out all of next week so if you’re pushing for early Jan meetings I think now is the time to strike.


@greg.nishihira Love this recipe concept. It’s so personal and fun. Next year I will have to get some of my wife’s dessert recipes and incorporate them into my outreach.

What I do over December is send a holiday card with a short hand written note. I also will send a gift (bigger customers may get something more expensive, but I have found that the thing that gets some of the best responses are ornaments - if I know they celebrate Christmas, that is… if they don’t or I’m uncertain, I go more into the edible category of chocolates, etc)

Ornaments are especially great because people like collecting them and there is a bit of a ritual to getting an ornament and hanging it on your tree. And each year when people take out the ornaments and look at them, there tends to be a memory associated with each, like who they received it from. So I really try and go the extra mile and personalize the ornament (if they’re into golf, I’ll get something golf related, and so on.)


@tim.hartwell ok I think you take the cake for one the the most creative ideas for the holiday! I would have never thought about an ornament!