Hello @Rupert,
Love the topic and seems to be one that comes up often at the beginning of a fiscal year.
To adequately answer your question, it is important to clearly define a Champion. Unfortunately, I have seen many sellers flag people who they meet for the first time and/or like the pitch as a CHAMPION, later to find out they are working a COACH. As you may know there is a BIG difference between the two.
They way I have been trained, a CHAMPION must met all 4 criteria (below) in order to earn the right to be flagged as a CHAMPION.
(1) Do they have access to power?
(2) Do they have a personal win?
(3) Are they selling on your behalf?
(4) Do they have political clout?
Of course you need to test each one of these questions to validate, but from my experience, this has never failed me.
You eluded to in your post, but the more CHAMPIONS you have the higher the probability of winning. In fact, I would argue we are in a race of CHAMPION building.
That said…If you have a TRUE CHAMPION, they will want to meet with you regularly. As an example, I meet with my CHAMPION 2x per week…why?
One of the questions/qualifiers to be a CHAMPION is “do they have a personal win”. Today, money is hard to come by and people are literally risking their job on an investment in your company. They SHOULD want to meet you to ensure they are successful with your solution. This helps with the renewal and expansion.
A CHAMPION will want to understand the VALUE your solution delivered. HE/SHE will want to wave that flag, which in turn will make the renewal process much easier.
I am not saying you need to meet 2x per week, but you should meet with them regularly. In person or virtual is dependent on a variety of variables, but if you are able to meet in person… you should.
Finally SUCCESSES of having a CHAMPION…
I am working on an oppty with the parent company my CHAMPION works for. Not only is he selling my solution on my behalf to the parent company, the Exec Team is also selling (ie Exec Champions). They are taking care of roughly 60-80% of the sales process for me.
If that doesn’t convince you a CHAMPION is key…not sure what will.
Hope this answers your question(s).